What is Subgraph
Subgraph is a customized, open-source solution for indexing and accessing real-time blockchain data through the GraphQL API. They provide developers with powerful tools to build, customize and access blockchain data according to their needs.
Get started by creating an account with Ormi Labs
To get started with 0xgraph:
- Create an account at https://subgraph.mantle.xyz/
- You will be prompted with Quickstart options. We will select "Explore Community Subgraphs", because Mantle already has a subgraph hosted.
- Select Mantle from the list of chains, and then select "mantle/lendle-finance" subgraph. Click on Deploy.
- The subgraph is now live.
- Create an API key on the API Keys page.
One can also deploy their own subgraph using 0xgraph's CLI. A detailed guide to deploy your own subgraph is available at https://docs.ormi.xyz/mantle-subgraphs/quickstart/deploy-a-subgraph-using-the-graph-cli.
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💪🏼 Not tired and want to keep building? Head over to https://www.mantle.xyz/blog/developers and check out an amazing list of tutorials to keep building cool dApps on Mantle Network!
Ciao! 👋🏼